Уважаемые сообщники, у меня тоже к вам вопрос назрел.
It wasn't that the Inspector did not, as the phrase went "swing that way".
(Mycroft Holmes was a thorough man. He knew exactly how Gregory Lestrade swung. And which side he dressed to come to that, which had been the subject of one of his more intricate imaginings. Unfortunately it was during a meeting with members of an influential union, and while he did not think his vision of undressing Lestrade paying attention to which side he dressed to was responsible for the Tube strike, he did sometimes worry it might have been a contributing factor.)
Не знаю этого выражения (выделенного жирным) - и что-то нигде не могу найти...
Пишет Leona:
Когда ввели моду на очень тесные брюки, надо было как-то незаметно расположить член справа или слева, чтобы не смущать дам всякими выпуклостями. Вот здесь расписано чуть подробнее.(...At that time, Beau Brummel started the craze for ultra tight mens trousers. Because these crotch-huggers were snug enough to offend the the ladies, the penis needed to be discretely held to one side or the other so as not to create an unsightly, faint-inducing bulge. To accomplish this, many a male fashion slave had his penis pierced to enable it to be buttoned or hooked to the inside of the trousers. This piercing was called a "Dressing Ring" because tailors would ask if a gentleman dressed to the left or the right, and then he'd tailor the trousers accordingly. Even today a tailor will ask his customer to which side he "dresses.")